Tuesday 8 April 2008

HOWTO: compress and extract rar archives under linux

Quick how-to on extracting and compressing .rar archives. For this method it is essential that u have WinRar, hopefully installed on your windows partition.

1. Install wine. You can do it with Synaptic Package Manager under Debian
2. Copy 'rar.exe' from the directory where the WinRar is installed on windows partition to '$HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32' on your linux system. If you don't have WinRar u should probably buy it :)
3. Now you can call rar comand with 'wine rar '. Type 'wine rar -h' for help.
4. Enjoy typing

It's possible to run WinRar GUI with wine, so that is another option, but I think this is quicker method.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog today. Good tips! Keep up the good work. If you want to unrar something through the command line, I would tend to go with installing unrar from the repositories. The only reason I would see to install WinRAR is if you wanted that GUI. If you are going to do it through command line anyway, why not do it natively?